Does your child love to sing? Are you looking for an exceptional musical experience for them? Rising Voices Children's Choir is what you have been looking for!

Rising Voices is Co-Ed Children's Choir for Boys and Girls 7 - 13 years of age.

 Our Mission:
* To develop vocal and musical competency in a fun, encouraging environment. 
* To use music as an avenue to learn compassion, history, discipline, and focus. 
* To uplift and inspire others with our Rising Voices. 

* Commitment to participation in Rising Voices is per session.
* The Fall 2023 Session of Rising Voices will run from October through Mid-December. 
* There will be 8 rehearsals and at least 1 performance. 
* Rehearsals will take place at Blake Music Studios in Stansbury Park.

Registration Fee: $18 registration, per student, per session
* Tuition: $120 for Fall 2023 Session, per student

Fall 2023 Rehearsal Schedule: 
* The choir will be divided into two parts.
* "Rising Voices - Part 1" will rehearse from 4:00 - 4:50 p.m. on Wednesdays
* "Rising Voices - Part 2" will rehearse from 5:00 - 5:50 p.m. on Wednesdays
* As we approach the concert we will rehearse together from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays

Rehearsal Dates: 
* October 4, 11, 25
* November 1, 8, 15, 29 
* December 6

Concert Date:
* Friday, December 8th
* Call Time Rehearsal @ 5:15 p.m. for children
* Doors Open for Audience @ 6:30 p.m.
* Concert Begins at 7:00 p.m.

Rehearsal Structure:
* Warm-ups: Vocal/breathing exercises and scales
* Music Education: Solfege (Do, Re, Mi),  Scales, Rhythm, Basic Vocal Harmonization, etc…
* Rehearsal Time: Students will learn correct vocal technique, proper vocal articulation, etc... Music will primarily consist of the following genres; Folk Songs, Spirituals, Musical Theatre, Classical, and Contemporary Music. 
* Practice techniques and Performance skills